Milton Foster Children’s Fund Application

 Funding Guidelines

The Milton Foster Children’s Fund (MFCF) is dedicated to helping youth in foster care by providing funds for normalcy-building items and experiences where there are gaps in funding.

Who qualifies to apply for funding?

  1. Youth ages 0-18 years old with
  2. An open Dependency & Neglect (D&N) through El Paso or Teller County, Colorado
  3. Living in an out-of-home placement (not with biological parents).
  4. Youth who meet criteria 1 and 2 but live with a biological parent may have one request total funded.

What items and experiences may I apply for?

  1. MFCF funding must fall into one of three categories:
    • Educational – tutoring, school trips, graduation items, instruments, etc. Please note that this does NOT include school fees, as schools are required to cover those for youth in foster care per House Bill 08-1019 Section 2 (7).
    • Skills and Social – lessons, fees, or supplies for classes or hobbies, day or overnight camps, etc.
    • Health – items not covered/fully covered by insurance such as dental procedures, sensory or therapeutic items.

How much and how often can I apply? Who completes the application?

  1. Youth can receive funds totaling no more than $250 per CASA’s fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
  2. This amount can be the full amount or multiple requests not exceeding $250.
  3. Youth who live with a biological parent may have ONE request funded per the guidelines above.
  4. Applications may be filled out by anyone – CASA, guardians, caseworkers, the youth themselves, etc.

Can you reimburse for things that have already been paid for by the guardian?

  1. No funds will be given without a completed AND approved MFCF application.
  2. The only exception to this rule – and an application MUST be submitted and approved before a reimbursement is made – is if the payment must be paid with the registration, ex. paying the deposit on a summer camp.

Who receives the check?

  1. Checks must be made out to the vendor providing services (ex. the dance studio) and will not be made out to the guardian or CASA.
  2. Checks will then be mailed to the placement’s home address.
  3. Items that may only be purchased online with a credit card (ex. therapeutic items on Amazon) will be paid for by CASA and shipped directly to the placement’s home address.

What cannot be covered using MFCF funds?

  1. Birthday parties – for youth 12 and under, please submit a referral to two months in advance.
  2. Clothing (some exceptions for specialized clothing, such as high school letter jackets).
  3. Utilities, food, living expenses, etc.

What are other options for items that are not funded by MFCF or more funding is needed?

  1. CarePortal requests can be placed as supplement with MFCF for youth experiences only.
  2. Junior League of Colorado Springs Fostering Change Fund is open to former foster youth and young adults in El Paso County between the ages of 16 and 25 whose case did not or will not result in permanency (return home, relative placement, or adoption) and addresses their otherwise unmet medical, social, emotional, and educational needs.
  3. Please visit our Resources for Youth and Families page for more available resources

What about making requests through CarePortal?

  1. CarePortal requests can be submitted for furniture, clothes, experiences, groceries, gas, car seats, and specialized formulas IF the youth is living in their home. If the youth is in an out-of-home placement, they can apply for resources for the youth only.
  2. Youth with a CASA – Your CASA can complete the CarePortal request on the CASA website
  3. Youth without a CASA: Please contact your Caseworker to make a submission.
  4. Families that need help with rent and utilities MUST go through their Caseworker.

How often are applications looked at? When should I expect a response?

  1. Applications are reviewed every Friday at noon in order to request and mail checks out the following week.
  2. The requestor should receive a status email by end-of-day on Friday of the week they applied.

What if I am not totally sure the youth will attend the activity? The youth may change their mind or move to a new placement.

  1. If the youth would like to attend a camp or activity/lessons that fill up quickly, please apply and, if approved, register the youth ASAP. For instance, some overnight camps fill up quickly, and if your youth has their heart set on that camp, please apply ASAP. It is better to register for the camp, regardless of if their placement will change, then miss camp altogether because it filled up. Hopefully, if there is a placement change, the new guardians will be able to make the activity happen.
  2. Items that are purchased are not refundable unless they arrive broken. Then the item will have to be returned and replaced through the proper channels.
  3. If the youth signs up for activities but then cannot make them (ex. wanted gymnastics lessons but hurt their arm), then the guardian should try to work something out with the business, like holding the funds until the child is healed.
  4. If the check has not yet been cashed and the youth changes their mind, please return the check to CASA, Attn: MFCF, 418 S Weber St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903.

Is there anything else I need to do once applying?

  1. When you receive the check, please fill out the enclosed survey and a thank you letter/drawing from the youth in the included addressed/stamped envelope.


If you do not get a confirmation email of your completed application, please contact

For additional information call 719-424-4872 or email

MFCF form

For the Milton Foster Children’s Fund page

  • Youth Information

  • Funding Request Information

    My agreement acknowledges that: 1. I have read and understand the MFCF Guidelines. 2. I will ensure a receipt for goods/services purchased is provided to the MFCF upon payment. 3. I will ensure any unused funds will be returned to the MFCF at CASA within 30 days of receipt. 4. I will ensure the youth will send a thank you note that can be used anonymously for grant writing and reporting purposes. This will allow us to assist more children in the future! 5. Funds will be used only for the purpose stated in this application.