Trudy Strewler Hodges, former CASA Executive Director
One of the first things the Junior League did when they formed our local CASA program in 1989 was to hire the first employee. That person was Trudy Strewler Hodges. Trudy started out part time as the volunteer coordinator, CASA’s first and only staffer.
It was not long however before Trudy’s skill and fortitude lead to her promotion as executive director. Trudy helped build our local CASA agency into one of the largest and most well-respected programs in the country, often looked to for training and best practices within the national network.
Over the years, Trudy witnessed many disturbing cases of child abuse. She recalls one case in particular involving a young girl who had been sexually abused by her father. This child had to testify in court against her father, but she had very little support and hardly anyone believed her. Trudy watched as the CASA volunteer became the light in this girl’s life and supported her through a horrible process. In the end Trudy knew the young girl was going to find her way and survive because of that one person who believed in her. “At that moment I knew why we do this work,” she said.