Minimum Sufficient Level of Care

This In-Service will be an overview of Minimum Sufficient Level of care and why it is important.  The training will consist of scenarios, discussions around struggles with MSL of Care and how to apply it to your case. To receive the Zoom info, please RSVP to Kate Grondin at

Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…

Annual CASA-wide Volunteer Impact Event

Calling all CFIT Volunteers, D&N Advocates, SEPT Facilitators, The Hanger Volunteers, Life Long Links Volunteers, and Milton Foster Children's Fund Volunteers! Save the date for February 22 and join us at 5:30 PM over Zoom for our Annual CASA-wide Volunteer Impact Event We will hear from Executive Director Angela Rose as she shares the impact…

Emancipation Resources In-Service

Do you have a youth(s) on your case who may emancipate from the Foster Care system? Worried about their future(s)? Join us as we hear from DHS's Chafee Program about resources and programs available to emancipating youth as well as techniques to encourage and support youth during this challenging time. Please RSVP to Kate Grondin…

Igniting the Power of Us: Exploring our roles in the important work of equity, inclusivity, and diversity

Igniting the Power of Us: Exploring our roles in the important work of equity, inclusivity & diversity This keynote  by Dr. Nita Mosby Tyler (Chief Catalyst and Founder of The Equity Project, LLC) takes participants on a journey of “deconstructing” the real meaning of equity, inclusivity and diversity. Participants will learn fascinating facts and insights…

Advocate Support Group

During the times of COVID, things can be difficult for some. We have gathered Lois Gracz and Ginny Page to help facilitate the groups. The goal is provide monthly support for current advocates. Everything discussed is 100% confidential with an open floor. Please RSVP to Kate Grondin at

Virtual “Dudes and Brews”

  CASA is seeking more male volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable boys. Half of the children in foster care in the Pikes Peak Region are boys and they are in need of strong male role models in their lives. As a CASA volunteer, you can show these boys the kind of safe,…

National Volunteer Appreciation Week Coffee Date

Kinship Landing 415 S. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO

Let's Celebrate during National Volunteer Appreciation Week!  We love our volunteers and want to celebrate you!  A few CASA staff members will be hanging out at the café in the new boutique hotel Kinship Landing for a few hours each day of Volunteer Appreciation Week, which is April 19-23.  Stop by so we can buy…

National Volunteer Appreciation Week Coffee Date

Kinship Landing 415 S. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO

Let's Celebrate during National Volunteer Appreciation Week!  We love our volunteers and want to celebrate you!  A few CASA staff members will be hanging out at the café in the new boutique hotel Kinship Landing for a few hours each day of Volunteer Appreciation Week, which is April 19-23.  Stop by so we can buy…