Virtual Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…

Virtual Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…

Virtual Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…

Virtual Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…

Virtual Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…

Virtual Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…

Enmeshment vs. Engagement

Maintaining boundaries in your CASA role can be tricky sometimes. Taking an active role in a family’s life without becoming entangled can be difficult to balance. Come join us on Zoom as we review guidelines and discuss strategies for common scenarios. Please RSVP to Kate Grondin at

Virtual Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…

Court Report Writing

This in-service will cover the do’s and don'ts of the court report, how to professionally word your concerns and make sure to remain unbiased throughout your writing.  Please RSVP to Kate Grondin at to receive the Zoom information. 

Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…