Life Long Links Workshop

CASA of the Pikes Peak Region 418 South Weber St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Does your CASA child have caring adults (who are not paid to be there) providing support and love? Does your CASA child know his family history and “where he/she comes from”? Is there a solid back-up plan for your CASA child if the current plan fails? Who will come to his/her school performances or graduation?…

Volunteer Information Session

CASA of the Pikes Peak Region 418 South Weber St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Join us for a light lunch on January 10 at the CASA office and learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or neglected child right here in the Pikes Peak Region. You'll hear from seasoned volunteers and CASA staff members and you will have the opportunity…

Support Group for Advocates Working with Teens

CASA of the Pikes Peak Region 418 South Weber St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

What: Does your CASA case keep you up at night? We are hosting a support group for volunteers aimed at advocates who work with teens, but all are welcome. We will also form concrete strategies for each advocate on their case(s). Hope to see you there! Where: CASA Legacy Room When: Wednesday, February 19 from…

CASA-wide Volunteer Impact Event

broadmoor community church 315 Lake Ave., Colorado Springs, CO

Calling all D&N Advocates, SEPT Facilitators, The Hanger Volunteers, Life Long Links Volunteers, and Milton Foster Children's Fund Volunteers! Save the date for March 2 and join us at Broadmoor Community Church (315 Lake Ave.) from 5:30 - 7:00 PM for our annual volunteer meeting. We will hear from Executive Director Angela Rose as she…

Coffee With CASA

Cafe Leo 320 West Midland Ave., Woodland Park, United States

Join us at Cafe Leo in Woodland Park on March 9 to learn what it means to be a CASA volunteer for an abused or neglected child in Teller County. CASA staff will be available to answer all of your questions during this casual, drop-in event. Want to learn about our volunteer opportunities ahead of…

In Her Shoes In-Service

CASA of the Pikes Peak Region 418 South Weber St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

How does the world look from another’s perspective – particularly from the view of a woman who is experiencing violence? In Her Shoes allows us to temporarily experience life as a woman experiencing violence. It is an interactive, educational exercise used in a workshop setting to help us connect to the day-to-day reality for women…

Volunteer Information Session

CASA of the Pikes Peak Region 418 South Weber St., Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Join us on March 11 at the CASA office and learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or neglected child right here in the Pikes Peak Region. You'll hear from seasoned volunteers and CASA staff members and you will have the opportunity to ask lots of…

Helping Children Thrive

Below you will find a great opportunity for experiencing a presentation on working with your CASA children on motivation and engagement, especially during this stressful period in their lives. Helping Children Thrive will be an interactive Zoom presentation held in two 90 minute sessions on May 18th and May 19th, from 10:00 to 11:30 presented…

Virtual Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…

Virtual Volunteer Information Session

CASA is seeking more volunteers to advocate for our community's most vulnerable children. We offer virtual volunteer information sessions, virtual volunteer trainings, and virtual swearing-in ceremonies. Please join us over Zoom for a virtual Volunteer Information Session to learn what it means to be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer for an abused or…