Human Trafficking 101 for CASAs
Date & Time June 14, 2023 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Mountain Time Description: The purpose of the 101 session is to give CASAs an overview of human trafficking and how it intersects with their work as CASAs. The curriculum will go over the definition of human trafficking and the laws that govern human trafficking…
Diversity University
Diversity University Registration for the 2023 Session is now open! June 26 - June 30, 2023 The purpose of Diversity University is to improve the ability of professionals and the community to respond to the needs of a culturally diverse population. Diversity University is designed to help individuals examine their biases and leverage their power…
Human Trafficking 201 for CASAs
Date & Time June 28, 2023 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Mountain Time Description: The purpose of the 201 session is to give CASAs an opportunity to go beyond definition and dive into the crime of human trafficking on a more personal level. The 201 will explore pushes and pulls from an individual standpoint, and…
Helping Children Thrive
Saturday July 8, 2023 @ 8:30 am – 11:30 am 8:30 am – 11:30 am CASA Training Room Sponsor: Lisa Pecoraro Presenter: Robert (Bob) Sallee Research-based findings on strategies and resources for CASA volunteers, staff, Board members, and others seeking tools to help children reach their full potential. Three hours. This class examines what children…
Trauma Informed Care and Cultural Sensitivity Training
Presented by Kingdom Builders Family Center Join us in the CASA Training Room for this informative training on handling domestic violence situations with trauma informed approaches and cultural sensitivity. RSVP…
Shop Back-to-School in the Kid’s Closet!
CASAs can pick out new backpacks, school supplies, and clothes for the youth on their case. Please come prepared with the youth’s school supply list, sizes, and favorite colors/interests. The…
Teen Back-to-School Party
Saturday, July 29, 12-3pm at The Hanger Teens can pick out new backpacks, school supplies, clothes, shoes, and more for the school year, enjoy treats, and learn about local resources.…
Annual CASA Volunteer Appreciation Event
We are so incredibly grateful for the wonderful work our volunteers do in this community. You are on the front line, delivering on our mission, with commitment and determination, each…
Court Report Writing
Thursday August 10, 2023 Time: 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Sponsors: Jillian Wiker and Tara Loo Description: Writing your court report can be a stressful part of the advocacy role.…
Trusted Adults – LGBTQIA2+
Trusted Adults -LBGTQIA2+ Presented by Inside Out Youth Services Join us in the CASA Training Room for this informative training on conversations to support LBGTQIA2+ young people. RSVP to Kristeen…