Josh & Melissa Waymire
Legacy Society Members
Josh and Melissa Waymire have been members of CASA’s Legacy Society for several years. They are a generous and caring couple, who devote both time and resources to CASA. Josh and Melissa have included CASA in their will.
While providing for their young sons, they are also setting a strong example of philanthropy and community giving. Here is what they had to say about the Legacy Society…
“Philanthropy is something we highly value and CASA’s Legacy Society ensures we will be able to continue to support a cause important to us long after we pass. Sadly, we do not believe child abuse will ever cease and therefore the need for CASA will always exist. Providing children with hope and an opportunity to make a positive contribution to society, is something that benefits us all as a community today and in the future.
“As members of CASA’s Legacy Society, we have the privilege to interact with incredibly thoughtful and dynamic individuals. This has been inspiring and rewarding from a personal and professional standpoint. It is an honor to associated with the Legacy Society, something for which we are truly grateful.”