2014 Report to the Community
As we review our progress over the past fiscal year, we are proud of the positive change CASA volunteers brought to the lives of 1,172 children. Your partnership is moving us closer to our goal of serving 100% of children in need. Thank You!
2 0 1 4 Milestones include:
- 501 children served in the Dependency and Neglect (child abuse) program; (up 13% over prior year).
- Served 219 children through the Supervised Exchange & Parenting Time program; facilitated 2,489 visits and 316 safe exchanges.
- Served 104 children through the Milton Foster Children’s Fund (up 44% over prior year), sent 49 foster children to summer camp.
- 20 Peer Coordinators stepped into leadership roles to mentor, coach, and support all new advocate volunteers on their cases.
- Life Long Links specialist volunteers found extended family for 117 foster youth.
- 2,782 divorcing parents took the Children and Families in Transition (CFIT) Seminar to learn how to support their children through the process in a proactive and positive manner.
- A total of 394 volunteers worked 28,802 hours on behalf of children.
View the 2013-2014 Annual Report Now