Walmart Grant Supports Peer Coordinator Model

CASA Resource Development Director Trish StJohn with Walmart Market Manager Gary Peacock
CASA of the Pikes Peak Region received a $25,000 grant from the Walmart Foundation’s State Giving Program to expand advocacy programs for abused and neglected children in El Paso County. Specifically, this grant will support the third phase of CASA’s capacity-building volunteer management initiative called the Peer Coordinator Model.
Launched in 2012, the Peer Coordinator model is helping CASA serve more children without the expense of hiring numerous paid staff. The model provides experienced long-term volunteers known as Peer Coordinators (PCs) to support the newly trained advocates, adding another level of volunteer leadership to the organization. PCs take on the role of coach and mentor to the new volunteer advocates, while staff members support the Peer Coordinators. The objective is to double the volunteer base over the next six years in order to provide services to more children.
“By the year 2020 we believe we will be able to serve all children in need of advocacy in our court system rather than the 50% we serve today,” said CASA Resource Development Director Trish StJohn. “This generous investment from Walmart will help us reach our goal.”
“Organizations like CASA make it their responsibility to create a positive impact in the communities they serve,” said Lee DeVille, Walmart regional general manager. “We are proud to partner with CASA to be able to provide assistance to continue to expand their advocacy program for abused and neglected children in El Paso County. Together we are creating opportunities so people can live better one community at a time.”
The Walmart Foundation’s State Giving Program supports organizations that create opportunities so people can live better, awarding grants that have a long-lasting, positive impact on communities across the U.S. In the last fiscal year, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation gave $19.3 million to Colorado nonprofits.