At any given time, there are 900 children in the Pikes Peak Region that need CASA’s support to navigate the child welfare system.
Making a difference for 900 children seems impossible for one person, but what if your business could help one child? One child whose life is forever changed. One child who, because of you, can look ahead to a bright future. You can certainly make a difference for one. And then someone else commits to helping one child. And another. Pretty soon all of the 900 children are all being helped, and it started with just one child.
Make a Start With One donation now

What is Start With One?
Start With One is a fundraising program which empowers every person to make a difference. Our goal is to empower individuals to become part of the solution! It costs $1,500 to provide a single child with a CASA advocate for one year. It’s not a huge sum to raise, but the difference you’ll make for a child IS huge.
How can I get involved?
By joining the Start With One community, you commit to raising $1,500 to provide an advocate for an abused or neglected child in the Pikes Peak Region. How you raise the money is completely up to you, and the best part if you don't have to do it alone.
Recent studies have shown that given a choice, today's consumers prefer to buy from companies that give back to the community. We're here to support you and your business as you help us share this important mission with the community.
What does a partnership with CASA provide?
- Reaching new customers through CASA social media networks
- Marketing material support from CASA
- "Proud to Support CASA" sticker for your window to show customers you care
- Freedom to choose when and how you want to run your promotion
You can make a difference for one. Join Start With One Today!